I got my Concept2 Model C in 1999 for cross training when I couldn't be on the water in a canoe of some sort. It keeps me tuned up over the winter for the outrigger, marathon, and sprint canoe races that follow each spring through fall. Read More ›
I got my Concept2 Model C in 1999 for cross training when I couldn't be on the water in a canoe of some sort. It keeps me tuned up over the winter for the outrigger, marathon, and sprint canoe races that follow each spring through fall. Read More ›
I started rowing 25 years ago for cross-training and as an alternative to long cold dark runs in a Canadian winter. I have grown to love the Concept2 indoor rower—and hate it! It's a great minute-for-minute cross-training alternative and the best work out you can get. I am just returning from a herniated disc that kept me away from rowing for two years and am happy to be back! Read More ›
Between December 2010 and December 2012, I used to row at the gym from time to time. In those days the Concept2 was ‘just one of the machines’ to me. In fact cycling has been my favorite sport for more than 30 years. In December 2012, I discovered the Concept2 website and got involved in your online community. There is lots of information about indoor rowing and rowing results of other people (which is great). And that got me hooked. I bought my own Model D Indoor Rower in April 2013, left the gym and started to train seriously. Many people say I am too competitive for my age. Read More ›
I had two reasons to start rowing.
So rowing has become a big part of my workout routine, and I weigh less now at age 65 than I did in high school. Read More ›
I started rowing to cross-train and give my knees a break from running. After 10 years, it's my favorite indoor exercise. I especially like catching up on all my TV shows while I row. I enjoy all the contests to keep me motivated. One of these days, I may actually try rowing on the water! Read More ›
The Concept2 Indoor Rower has changed my life, and I so look forwards to my workouts. Read More ›
It is a great cross training workout. Read More ›
Since rowing regularly, I seldom get migraines. I've lost weight. I look better and am in better shape than I was 20 years ago, I'm 38. The kids and I started Tae Kwon Do last September and I love the cross training rowing provides. The great people at Concept2 and the fantastic website motivate me, and I feel privileged to be part of such a wonderful community. Read More ›
I taught physical education and coached football and other sports for 38 years. I got into using the erg as a means to get in shape for alpine climbing about 9 years ago. I had been running, but old age caught up with the knees. About 5 years ago I realized I couldn't climb effectively anymore, so I took up erg workouts on a regular basis. Read More ›
Like so many I started erging when the knees wouldn't let me run anymore. I found Concept2 via a New York Times ad over 10 years ago and I'm glad I did. My main exercise form is cycling (I did 5 centuries and almost 5000 miles in 2004) but when the evenings get too short for that, and I'm not ready to ride my rollers in the basement I take the erg out. I enjoy trying to climb up the ranking lists. Read More ›